Sunday 30 August 2020

A Mass Hallucination covers its own tracks

A Mass Hallucination covers its own tracks so that it is easier for you to persist in it. So indeed the smear by association 'works' for everyone who wants it to work.

I don't know that I need convince anyone anything - and that's just as well because I never have convinced anyone of anything they are not already of a willingness to know or accept.

Icke was publicly humiliated for how 'new age views' - such that we are all Sons of God - which when framed as 'I am the Son of God' gave the Media attack dogs all the ammunition to righteously ridicule, invalidate and cast him out - literally cast him as a demonised or no-go 'person'.

Icke - as anyone in such a show trial - deserved support for his human right of being, and this was given in support from those who disagreed with the WAY of his treatment regardless the what of his opinions. But also became a portal of consideration of such opinions or viewpoints. That David Icke has a chip on his shoulder is to me evident, understandable but not helpful to his deeper message - which he gives theoretically as being of a higher vibrational quality of thought and intention than the 'fear-thinking' he associates with 'THEM'

Another term for fear-defined response is the 'reptilian brain' - which should not - in my view - be demonised, but embraced, accepted and integrated in the sense that to NOT accept fear, is to mask over in denial and thus be 'ruled' or subverted and sabotaged by an evil that we experience externally but carry in our own negatively polarised but denied identification.

I haven't read or followed Icke - but have watched a bit of his recent interviews.

He can represent an 'ordinary bloke' researching outside the box of a mainstreamed mind for answers that he resonates with and then shares on. This is now a lot of people in a similar process or re-educating as a result of no longer being able to accept the 'mainstreamed' narratives - and needing to reintegrate conflicted experience to some sort of sense, coherency or meaning by which not only to live, but through which to relate with each other and world.

The idea of resonance is in my view the basis of all communication - and yet self-honesty is the basis for a true resonance rather than a reinforcement for masking fears or indeed vengeful and self-validating agenda. We all have invested identity that can bias to blind spots of cognitive dissonance. But that doesn't mean we are all to be smeared, demonised and cast out without a voice, rights or worth.

While speaking here I ask Toby and all to reconsider the temptation to name-calling that smears with pejorative self-righteous put-downs. I recognise the temptation and amidst our own frustrations it can leak out all to easily - but it serves to reduce the argument to a playground spat in shallow polarising factions that are the true 'cancel-culture' operating. So many think 'divide and rule' applies to a 'THEM" without recognising there own resonant correspondence in like kind.

Andrew Kaufman's recent interview with Icke was honourable and in my view a worthy watch. People are not on trial, unless attacking the person is elevated to shut down dialogue. Dialogue is not simply a confirmation bias or echo chamber in groupthink, but a willingness to reach through to a common ground - without which no real communication or relationship can happen.

I understand the social shaming that can herd the ordinary people to likewise use Icke as a marker for 'KEEP OUT or be invalidated' - along with all the other associations. Its about what can be officially owned said or associated with. This narrative control is manipulative by design. That's it job-function. The masking in a 'face' of social acceptability reminds me of the Bible where God said to Adam and Eve - "an WHO told you you were naked?"

A doctored 'reality' is a split mind. I see that we are becoming aware of a 'split mind' within the symptoms of its 'job-function' as cognitive dissonance in others - and by extension re-cognising a like pattern in ourselves - perhaps. But not while trying to cast or flag the the virus of such a fear Out There onto personae and props of a personal escape set in relative rights or power struggle - at cost of rights of being held in common.

In my experience power struggle disempowers under the false premise and false profit of an hallucination given priority over relational honesty. Anything given power as currency has all the power we give it - until we change our mind. Whether the 'virus is real' is part of what we use it for - the narratives it supports and the worth we assign or accept to such a sense of self and world.


It's like saying we have no self-interest because we give ours to a collectivised identity in Common Purpose.

Steal a kingdom and they call you 'King!' - steal the mind and all  Principalities do your bidding as if their own.

Fear demands control, fear feeds and fuels control, while control grooms and nurtures it 'food' source as if your survival against those who conspire to take control from you.

Fear is lack of love, because love is a condition of free willing command - NOT coercion. The attempt to 'take command' by fear-fuelled coercion is a Dispossession of love by fear by deceit. The need is for love's honesty to replace the fear driven thinking. It isn't always the 'what' that is in issue so much as the way of it or the what it is being used FOR. What purpose it serves you.

The trap of conspiracy thinking is to assign all responsibility and thus power to Them, and thus polarise against 'Them' or It - in the case of agencies such as a virus or carbon dioxide operating as a proxy by which to leverage control by narratives set BY conspiracy to deceive. Where private agenda is masked as appeals to virtue or necessity set against fear.

I write to suggest that responsibility is not de facto 'blame' but the ability to respond to a situation. If we can own our own response to the situation as we at that time perceived and believed it - then we are in the place to make a better or more truly aligned choice now. Blame completely denies the corrective process under a mask of correction by hindsight as to what should have happened - and judgement against the perceived cause. As if to then define and eradicate the virus or evil is the means to the restoration of the past as it 'should have been'. If you see this you see the 'Big Brother's stamp' on the face of the Presence that would rise to know and share in being, is a systemic failure in Communication - and not just the visible or surface function of its fruiting and reinforcement.

This results in the repurposing of the forms of communication as a weapon. The pen can write the script that the sword will follow, but to say the pen is 'mightier than the sword' is really that mind is primary and responses follow. 

How would you make your mind up unless you were first IN your right mind? How do we know and trust our own thought? By nature of its recognition in the heart of honesty or in fitting with social consensus? We are experts in blurring and confusing these each with the others as part of masking over true feelings and unresolved conflict - as infants onwards. Surviving conflict becomes protecting its from true disclosure as a result of having built EVERYTHING on false foundations. Damage limitation buys time but at ever more onerous cost in self-betrayals. The capacity to erase our conscious capacity to recognise love is not total because love is native to what we are even if we lose what we choose not to use or live from. But just how 'far' into darkness are we willing to 'go' is where our tolerance for pain (of all or any level of our being), gives way to a questioning and a call for a truly better way - and not for another rebranding or repackaging of the same crap into ever tighter masking controls.

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