Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Race to Destruction

Steve: I don’t subscribe to the belief that entities are racist, nor do I accept what the term ‘racist’ implies. ‘America is racist’, the police are racist, Whites are racist etc is all part of the destroyers narrative. Only individuals are ‘racist’, and even then, they may well not actually be racist. They might simply be objecting to having their country taken away from them.

I join with you in not accepting false currency.

The term has been degraded to undermine whatever meanings it once had by the uses it is assigned and exchanged in as currency.
A hatist, might be the term to assign anyone who must be righteously hated.
The circular nature of this should be starkly evident.

Identity is the basis from which we live, relate and exchange.
Fear and its masking operate hate as justified defence of self-invested identity.

Self and 'otherism' is also self-alliance or lockstep with others as the 'self-group' set against 'other-group'.

We are identified truly in transparency to truth - and so there is a self given and received that is rightfully mine and yours. There are freedoms of association and communication such that we feel where our current boundary condition operates as the balance point for a coexistence. 

When denials and exclusions operate in place of balance points that serve the whole, the denied will seek to break through the walls of their denial, and the fear of being denied strengthens the walls against being denied. The walls are in our psyche that then manifest in cognitive dissonances normalised.

The set of the hardwired masking identity.

Whatever else is going on, I see a deconstruction of self and world.
But is this a power of malevolence, or a Compression phase bringing to seed all that is harvested from the cycle and valued - as the qualities from which a new expansion arises?

So amidst this fear, pain and loss - and hate - is the heart's prayer as to 'what is the truth here?' and NOT as a mind-spinning in its own pain.

How else to release the spell of a masking mind-trap?

Link to Video
Chris Hedges is not alert to Covid-19 AS the 'real looting' - and is under the spell of a narrative investment that masks against letting the truth in - as if truth that undermines invested identity is some kind of virus.
I don't say this to invalidate him.
Capitalism was captured by cartel monopolism that re-rigged its own banking and regulatory structure to become a globalist capture and control system though broad spectrum dominance - which never was about merely military - but acquiring strategic and effective control over every arena of social influence.
Deceit operates behind a mask - including a mask of victimhood.
Deceit is coercive.
The rewards of deceit are deceit.

Race is a more virulent virus than the corona type.
I did 'look up in dictionary' for 'race' and among all the definitions was nothing relating to variation within human species.

Self set against 'other' in competition, conflict or war is somewhat linked with  being set into a forward motion that generates a groove or hardwires a pathway of flow.

It was in an ancient Hindu text that I read, where there is an Other - fear arises.

Jesus' two emphasised commandments offer the way to undo fear, judgement and its progeny.

But fear is the basis of contagion - or dissonance sets the vibrational correspondences that operate a masking distortion over the face of love.

I celebrate creative diversity - but deplore enforced and weaponised 'love' that actually represents a fear and denial of hatred in our own hearts.
Until we uncover this as a self-honesty, it drives the mask of the attempt to 'love'.
While the 'mask of care and concern as paramount' generates a blame, shame and vilification that denies the possibility of an honest communication. Not least by polarising identity in conflict as righteous love!


Yes hate MUST have an object for affliction.
Just as love must have an object of affection.
We cannot extend the qualities of love without a relationship.
As another comment of mine on this page suggested - the inducement to righteous hate is a masking of hate as love. This operates a reversal in consciousness and a world made backwards.

If the release of a lie is also the release of the hate that fathered it - then something true moves - and knows itself alive.

A wish may not seem hateful - but if it is given protection against truth, how could it not set up a curriculum?

Those who weaponise the lie also offer an education in exposing it.
But if we are merely baited and triggered to self-destructive thoughts and acts, then we are not willing to learn anything but what we already think we know.

# 5
Kathleen Lowrey
“Whichever side you’re on, I’m not on it”
That sums up every feeling I have had over the past several days

I also feel this - but I also feel to side with freedom and love of truth in anyone no matter what alloy of error or mind-capture (identity) under terror.

“I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it is for or against. I'm a human being, first and foremost, and as such I'm for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” ~ Malcolm X

So is truth a 'side'?
Is truth 'against' illusions or lies - as a retribution or 'battle'?
Or do lies battle ONLY with themselves - in masking as truths, set in frame of possession and control?

To stand in integrity rather than seek the mask by which to seem to have it, is transparent to the truth of who we are. If this is challenged - we may discover more about ourselves.

You have to live with yourself and if that is a lie - you pay the price it demands as your protector. But truth makes no demand you be what you are not! And when another accepts you as you are you feel and recognise love.

Our demands that others be as we want - extends our own self-denials and judgements.

'Release and be released!' applies to the heart's recognition it is no longer trapped in a loveless mind. The mind then automatically aligns in the heart awake and offers perspectives from a basis of unified purpose and will - that automatically 'sides with' a like quality in others - even if it is hid under a bushel.

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