Thursday, 28 May 2020

Evolution of Emergent Qualities 

Smith is already speaking out a fragmented mind, that is impelled to explain life rather than live it. As if definitions that 'explain' are the means to put life together again under a dominating narrative - as the 'survival of the narrative that fits the current identity demand'.
It 'survives' because those who hold it want it to operate - and so has all the 'life' that we give it.

The Unfolding of being from itself is not operating in time but as time - but takes a time aspect when viewed from within time.
'In the beginning', sets a point from which to derive, generate, beget and unfold patterns.
It is set by consciousness of patterns and constancy that is itself already an emergence of patterning and never is, was or shall be a thing apart from the being of which it is an integral expression.

Story was the first means of modelling a mind for as sense of being different, set apart, and against power that once given - could not be regained excepting through the depleting sense of rituals and structures of permission.
Our consciousness is - for far the most part - expressing itself as a product of the past instead of a selection from the palette of all connected experience. The diversity of connections being held in some form of moving equilibrium is part of an unfolding or emergent consciousness - be that a cell, a self, an ecosystem, planet or galaxy. The idea of linear concepts representing infinite expressions is of course a state of dissociation in which structure seems to determine, and define consciousness. To invoke a contemporary note, this has its own pattern of lockdown, self-isolation and social compliance or 'normalisation' of identifying under narrative dictates - rather than extending identity as an emergent recognition of life extending wholeness unfolding of itself.

The presentation of the past set in persisting to future is a necessary continuity of a narrative consciousness that can grow to serve a reintegrative presence that has always been timeless. The recognition of unfolding presence - with past and future fully integrated to its unique patterning of living expression, is sometimes called multidimensional because it is at one and at once, rather than split to levels, of structured linearity set in compartmentalised domains of conditioned or acquired experience.

The idea of evolution has benefit as an idea is that of logical consistency in the retaining of workability. Which is intelligence by design but NOT of designer set over and apart from as separate.
Thinking makes separate when operating from thinging.

But our self-consciousness of objection within space and time is the resulting force of an attempt to subject or force a model onto Life as its definer - set out of accord with the Life which defines everything through us as resonant recognition. The ability to create is not in our mind but at the heart of a true resonant recognition - and so can spin out as the mind of themes given focus as an expansion of potentials that must hold an equilibrium to maintain the focus. The attempt to apply balancing force from 'outside and apart' from life is the fear of death as loss of control. But the nature of the balancing within life is a present discernment to a synchronicity of guiding and centring attraction at the heart of connected being.

Instead of arguing about ideas, why not uncover the use to which they are being out?
If idea-conflicts are engaged as identity reinforcement - what does that say about us - but a lack of identity at rest that runs a driven narrative on the theme of 'all the king’s horses and all the king’s men trying to GET a lost wholeness - instead of a cup that runneth over - as a natural expression of receiving integral wholeness of being - as the moment or situation at hand.

The freedom to engage in mythic creation is the freedom to suffer its archetypes as a form of lockdown seeking virtual escape. But the purpose they were set in does not have to persist when we recognise the freedom to release identity allegiance in self-transparence to not-knowing as the call to the willingness To know - rather than covrd over as judgement of self-lack, shame or guilt-fearing penalty set as the mind of defence against disclosure.

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