(RE: Judy Mikovic)
She has a legitimate grievance of being denied her right to justice.
She was vilified for making public the presence of foreign and animal genetic materials in vaccines - which as far as I am aware was first suspected but then known a long time before - see Fear of the Invisible by Janine Roberts for a balanced, documented overview and critique of the virological science and industry. I wholeheartedly recommend this book as a sane perspective that asks and investigates real questions - including the willingness to disprove ones own belief or conjecture.
I have read Judy's new book - Judy also played a major part in officially uncovering that HIV does not in itself lead to AIDS - but Judy is heavily invested in virology as pathogenic, as well as in telling her own story which she feels deeply denied of a hearing.
So there is a very strong personal narrative that in my view appealed to moral outrage and judgements, mixed up in science as a contest of being right rather than true. There were some passages I appreciated reading - but the primary narrative is not a greater understanding of the science - which I don't find Judy to be adept at getting across to non specialists - it is more an expression of a sense of being denied that distorts the record by unquestioningly asserting her own narrative identity.
Fear of the Invisible by Janine Roberts will leave you inspired - regardless the mess - the terrible and ongoing mess, of lies built on errors and mandated or protected by regulation as official medical diagnosis, testing and treatments as 'standard of care'.
By all means listen to Judy and find out what is there for you. But because she has been vilified for whistleblowing does not set her virological specialisation into a sanctified religious dogma.
But then listen to such as Zach Bush, or Andrew Kaufman. Who are not grinding their own axe but extending an inspiration that can be understood, appreciated and shared in.
Fear will always set your agenda if you let it.
If you are persecuted for true witness, let it serve to deepen your faith and love in truth.
Don't seek to make truth a weapon for your own vindication.
Or you live a broken truth set in bitterness seeking vindication for a past that is NOT HERE now.
But which is dragged up and stamped on the face of a present forever denied true presence - which would expand of itself as the truth of you, in place of a sorry and dark image seeking its sand castles be restored.
Forgiveness releases us from the demand reality be other than it is.
How can we see truly while locked down in the stamp of fear seeking power and protection against its own shadows?
I suggest that biology does NOT contain WAR in the way our split mind has made our life to be.
That it is much much easier to use the fear and belief in bio-weapons and invisible evils against which we MUST lockdown and lockstep in fighting NOW - as both a source of social controls and direct ingestion or injection of toxins - which are the underlying vector for promoting viral expression - that the body would naturally benefit from - unless the full immune expression is blocked, suppressed or attacked.
I recommend vigilance against polarised and polarising conflict - especially when exposed to hateful and outrageous injustice. There is no phishing attack more likely to take your identity from you than self-righteous hate masking as holy war. Nor is anyone more deaf or blind to the reality of themselves or others or the greater Life that we innately share - than hate and fear-fuelled righteousness running in the name of love - but always a VICTIMISED broken and betrayed love - that can be invoked - but does not answer or heal - except as a promise for a new order that NEVER shall come.
Fear says "I will make you safe".
Love says "You are safe".
Safety amidst conflicted feelings is not being driven BY them to lockdown and hide them OUT THERE - as if separateness keeps the devil at bay - rather than locked away in our own sense of denials projecting out unmindful.
Love is the capacity to be with what is as the willingness to recognise truth here.
Love of truth is honesty or transparency of self to our being. The truth of love spontaneously or automatically extends and recognised itself shared, as the blocks or fears to aligning in presence are released by no longer giving allegiance there.
Contractions are not the block to birthing. If you have it backwards you fight your own being AND make the pain of that into a narrative identity or separation trauma. And I suggest we all have - and do - but are at the point of bringing this to a conscious awareness - hence the liability to psychotic reaction. It is messy, but that is not where to bring our attention.
You have to freely and for you own reasons WANT to embrace life on Earth.
It's not enough to NOT want mess of fear of pain of loss.
Now do our times serve to hold an ongoing focus in setting priorities?
Can our fear become a means to bring ourself SIMPLY present - despite all the mind-mess of self and others that will churn and recycle as a focus of attention and identity as long as we persist in its framing as our necessity.
The renewing of your mind does not first call for its destruction.
Anything truly given over to truth is already transformed to terms that serve your reintegration.
But we cannot force another to open to what they are currently unwilling or unready to accept - and this has collective significance as well as for our communications with others.
We cannot force an awakening humanity - without losing our breath and timing to a self-depleting panic that sets off burdens and blocks to energy and communication. But we can - and are called to come into our presence as the timing or synchronicity of being the love that we are - which is NOT sentimentality or virtue signalling manipulation (not attacking those who cling there). If you could DO love there would BE no life.
The whole point is extension though you. Be truly moved in anything you do. Your total acceptance is in love's honesty, not won back by arms or means of personal achievement - and so not LOST THERE!
It takes one to know one.
There is nothing in the mind of the world a denial mind cannot use to serve a denial agenda.
But a true forgiveness releases the narrative identity as an opening and willing alignment in simple unadulterated presence. We never really forgive an 'other' - but we can release others from judgements that pre-emptively seek and find them and life unworthy for failing to support the world in our image.
Willingness to learn rises from recognising we do not know and desire to know.
Running on partial or substitute 'knowledge' is living in a 'model' and taking it for the reality.
Locking down in the model and protecting it from reality.
Well that is not workable - and so will fill with pain of conflict and sacrifice to run out of time in which to live that experience. This is experienced as compression in which the call to Life is the refining of priorities by which to expand the quality of living within the conditions available. But the fear of loss of invested control calls for ever more sacrifice of limitation as if contraction consolidates power. This is illusion. Compression realigns within the power of Life - which is qualitative - and yet recognisably informing and energising a realm of quanta, as densities, ratios and relational resonances. And behold with innocent eyes a world made new.
Learning and growing a new focus is not a fix for the old vision. If you bring the fruits to your old master you trash your self in vain.
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