Wednesday 17 July 2019

Disinformation is untruth - calling for correction - not countering

The idea of disinformation is of untruth.
Untruth can be easily corrected by truth.
Give a true witness and reveal the lack of substance to the false.
The idea of countering untruth is using 'untruth' as a false flag against which to identify in 'righteousness' of socially engineered conformity and compliance.

A lack of substance can only hide in deceits and denials.
Accusing its own sins  in the other is the nature of their denial and evasion in attempt to escape them without accepting correction of a realignment in genuine relational honesty.

The attempt and intent of post truth politics is of manipulation by deceits to undermine and bypass a conscious process of communication.The mind of such intent has lost its capacity to communicate and can only operate as a tool of secrets and lies. Looking within is not self-judgement - but self recognition.
Even looking within to recognise who we are NOT serves the restoring awareness of who we are.

Framing in lies MUST fear truth and deny and distort it for its own notional security.
Fear is pervasive and fragmenting to consciousness. Responsibility for thought is NOT a matter of mind control, but the natural quality of real relationships. Honesty is the basis for and the result of a fundamental trust in Life, oneself and others - in the extension of a genuine willingness to relate, to listen and to speak as we are truly moved as an honesty and congruency of being.

Under fear of pain of loss, freedom is redefined as compliance that seeks approval under loveless dictate.
But all such coded choreography broadcasts 'slavery is freedom' to a blind and hateful 'god' working through guilted or shamed sense of self-lack. Fear calls on guilt when HIDDEN and protected against truth. Bt owning our fears uncovers them as NEED for truth - from outside the fragmented entanglement of narrative control.

NEED for truth is uncovering the true desire from the masking of the false.
Without true foundation ALL else is inherently and automatically corrupted.
We don't need to MAKE or DETERMINE truth so much as open willingness FOR true relation and communication. To make truth a weapon is the 'war' to which truth is the first casualty.
Truth CORRECTS illusions - it does not destroy them but investment in illusion MUST fear its own destruction and seek to protect its investment.
The corporate and reputational investment in a loveless and destructive technologism reduces all life to a systemic control without any real or shared significance. 'Uniting' under threat of fear of pain or loss is NOT a true joining NOR addressing the true nature of the situation. But if enough energy of attention and allegiance is give to a false sense of power and protection then it will become real in the minds of those who promote and propagate fear and guilt in complex packages or instruments of deceit so as to 'get rid of it' onto the unwary or ungrounded and vulnerable. And indeed incentivise people to self sacrifice themselves and others so that the racketeering can be 'sustained' under ever diminishing returns.

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