Thursday, 13 June 2019

WHO is in control?

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WHO is in control!
Or more accurately, NGO's operating as fronts for disproportionate wealth seeking disproportionate and pervasive power, through the back door of manipulative deceit, rather than in open relational communication or indeed Reason Itself.

But deceit can only 'control' a willingness to be deceived - and this is where a deeper self-honesty has to challenge our pet loves, fears and hates, for deceits offer self-inflations,  relative to  our respective aversions and un-faced or unhealed relational conflict.
but the disposition of a mind under deceit is to script in terms of control and subjection - through pathogenic actors and 'saviour' interventions, that personalise into polarised and filtered conflict and limitation what is actually and expression of communication toward balance - but generally unseen and unrecognized by the addiction and affliction of conflict as the hope, wish or promise of control as some kind of personal power or personal - (read private) - salvation.

It is my sense that what we act from as belief and expectation, is effectively scripting our reality-experience regardless what actually is the case and that what we think we believe is belied by our own thought, word and deed, and yet to a large extent masked out from full awareness by personal and social mores or indeed memes of mutually reinforcing 'acceptability' of officially accepted narrative reality.

I have read of monkey traps where  the monkey can reach into a fixed down gourd to grasp a fruit but cannot then retrieve the hand with the fruit and also cannot release it grasp on what it wants, and so can be collected or harvested by the trapper.

Much of what we think we want, hurts us, but is framed in mind so as to seem to be a dissonance with a cause outside ourself.
This is when what we want is framed and defined by what we are in fear of and aversion to, rather than a directly felt true desire.
Framed in sickness and lack, we can only seek power in terms of sickness and lack - which is the corrupted idea of power that seems to control our world because that is the idea given power by a mind in conflict and fear as the attempt to limit and suppress  the chaos and 'contagion' of a breakdown of communication by the imposition or interjection of 'control' into the pain of a lost Intimacy.

The nature of a healthy mind and body is its transparency to living relational being. In a sense we do not know what we are until we lose it for a conflicted entanglement in what we are not - and then have the experience of lack and loss of connection, communication and free expression to self-doubt and division that then projects to frame and colour a 'world gone wrong'.

So while I could indicate all sorts of pointers in the world for 'who is in control', I also recognise they are scripted or cast as expressions of the fear of life, of intimacy and communication, seemingly powerful in their role as the framing of narrative reality as the hidden basis of 'control' by filtering and distorting limitation or induced and enforced scarcity, lack and toxicity. For without such conditions a corrupt and corrupting 'power' could have no appeal nor induce allegiance and compliance in sacrifice of self, others - and biosphere - to a fantasy of life and power given worth-ship in false with-ness as an act of mental and emotional (psychic) dissociation acted out upon the body and dumped upon the body as a burden of strain and toxicity that cannot be 'sustained' without the deceits of the mind that packages toxic debt into complex instruments that are then passed off as if a positive appreciation, a roadmap to salvation, or a masking identity of self-justifiction by which to temporarily outsource or assign pain or consequence of an ill-gotten grasp to anywhere and anyone ELSE.

The body is our corporate expression, using it for loveless or conflicted and divisive agenda, blocks its function to generate a like reflection of blocked or conflicted world in which the body is raised as the personification of a separated mind or reality in 'escape' from or 'victory' over feared Life, at the same time as being abused and exploited and dumped on - with the consequence of asserting and persisting in using life of self and other for getting - FORGETTING.

Getting is the generation of the experience of self-lack. The issues of possession and control are those of marketising and weaponising - which is the call to suckle the teat of deceit as the milk of false premises, promises and outcomes.

Awakening responsibility for consciousness is the simple willingness that breaks the spell. The naked 'Emperor' is not attacked by truth weaponised and seeking vengeance, but given true 'with-ness' in shared worth-ship of a wholeness of being.

"who told you, you were naked?" said the Lord - may reveal its meaning in terms of a sense of self-lack arising from mistaken identification. As in being phished by the forms of something that are presented or interpreted  unmindfully. Or rather through the filtering of a mindset of auto-reaction. The replacement of human kind by systemic or robotic substitution is the logical outcome of out-sourcing intelligence in fear of dispossession and loss of control. Harmony is of relational being and a signature of wholeness. When we try to fix it or grasp it in fixed forms we 'kill' the music - or rather sacrifice our capacity to be truly moved in exchange for a carrot or a stick and so paint ourself into a corner from which we cannot escape. Rather than seek complex repackaging of toxic debts in the 'Newspeak', of weaponised and marketised insight, why not cancel or expunge the debt and clear the account?

'Release and be released' is simply an awakened alignment in 'give as you would receive'. The unseen power of denial 'scripts' our perception and response. Fear has to be owned to be transformed and undone by true with-ness in shared worth-ship, giving in the measure of a true receipt. Willingness releases a false but driven sense of self-will because we are willing to listen for truth instead of telling it what to be.

PS I often put it as 'give only as your would in truth receive'. This is because until we uncover it to our awareness, we carry unconscious or denied self hate that effectively works to block, derail or sabotage our true appreciation and inherence in living.

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