Thursday, 27 June 2019

Aligning in True Sustenance

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Unsustainable practice is simply a destructive agenda masking as self inflated power and protection. Destruction can arise from natural agencies and events that are generally interpreted in terms of guilt or sin and punishment. This proclivity to guilted fear of further pain of loss is the effect of separation trauma that our consciousness is predicated upon AS a split levelled and masking mind. The emergence of a priesthood and aristocracy class as the intermediary between destructive power and survival, protection and mitigation of pain of loss became systemic capture and control device that reenactment or usurps the archetypes  of trauma and grievance as the basis for sustaining powerlessness of willingness to sacrifice life and truth for conformity and compliance to external gods or narratives that set and frame us in terms of feared evils- which IS the split division of a sense of sel separateness and self lack under false thinking, clung to as power or protection.
To the 'ruling' elitism any outcome in which it loses its seeming power is resisted as threat of a greater evil than managing, packaging and presenting the conflict or toxic debt in forms of social credit under framing of outsourced guilt and pain of loss.
Sustainability is a vaccinated term that carries and spreads the disease it purportedly sets out to overcome. This pattern of double think uses the mind to undermine its true or natural function so as to remain dependent and captured under an alien thought system. At this level, fear and control call upon and embody an alien or unnatural will that usurps and destroys in the name or form of life, freedom and protection. Giving power to the mask takes away from where true power shares.
As the technologism enabled weaponisation and marketisation of every vector or agency of influence, so do cartels of private interest corrupt and subvert all thought, feeling and action therefrom.
Waking to the nightmare is sill within the dreaming of a false sense of self, power and relationship. The desecration of life, relationships and world needs be recognised as a true need for Sanity of a peace of unconflicted being as the basis from which to live a reintegrative healing and awakening purpose in place of feeding truth and life to private or hidden agenda under masking of our own conflict denials.
Uncovering and realigning  in a biodiversity of relational endeavour in place of top down toxic canopy for monocultured sterility in self denialism and death is part of a reawakening of true communication, outside the false frame of the 'psyop'.

A mind under the spell of its own spin is fortunately unsustainable - but its ingenuity in evading or delaying the inevitable (truth) is a world of lies.

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Good comment above - hearkens to my reading of Victor Schauberger - but the demonisation of CO2 is a signature of corporate deceit - as was butter, sat fats &etc. It works by guilt and fear to undermine Life.
Oxygen and CO2 play reciprocal and complimentary parts of a cycle at our cellular level - even as do plants and animals.
There is nothing 'junk' in food plants that grow in CO2 rich environments as a result of that factor. More likely the revers is true.
NASA report the greening of the Planet as a result of (what I see as a restoring of) CO2 levels.
Humans are being induced to retard, deny and destroy themselves in the name of a seeming crusade to 'save ourselves' but it delivers us unto a global technocratic energy (and thought) control that would be unimaginable without the Internment of Things (IoT),

There is a self-destructive agenda that runs beneath surface reality - in our mind as in our world (collective mind).
Core definitions and beliefs are unmindfully lived FROM by those who know not what they do.
But if you are not 'conforming and compliant' with the official narrative then you are 'voiceless' in the official sector - but ANH - they are denying you a voice ANYWAY!

Healed minds can discern the ways by which to stop toxifying or desecrating and degrading our Living World (and relational being) so as to serve the healing that Life of Itself embodies as the gift of wholeness. Unhealed minds seek to play out fantasy upon the body of others and world so as to 'become' worthy, powerful, successful or whatever forms of fulfilment speak to the unhealed sense of self-conflicted lack that drives and demands unconsciousness as 'narrative controls' set over unrecognized psychic-emotional conflict.

Nothing real or true can be 'afforded' by a system that is based on scarcity as a weapon of control, capture and dominion. It is 'too big to fail'. Some FORMS of new insight will be adopted but always to weaponise and marketise an existing power base.
Loving Life, each other and world is not a system - but a willingness for intimacy - which is no private fantasy gratification set in image and form - but the very power that sustains Life - because even a denial culture depends completely on what it denies as a means of seeming to live apart and over it.

As far as my research goes - CO2 is a red herring - as is the presentation of polarised competition by members of the same club.
The real toxicities of mind, feeling and physical expression are given cover so as to sustain a global death wish - that still sees itself as moving to victory. Simply the way seemingly scientific outputs are USED tells everyone that it is coercive power at work and that it is therefore in their interest to align in its assertions and demands - or 'incentives'.

But that the birds are singing now - there is no other guarantee, that singing will, ever be.
the call to joy is NOT the call to fear, division, projected guilt and hate or war. But the wish to be righteous or feel less bad about ourself drives in place of a true and free willingness. Allowing fear and guilt to frame our thinking and emotional response is succumbing TO evil in the displaced fantasy of a crusade against it as a masked or hidden hate - justified and vindicated at last!

Trees are part of providing needful cover and drawing and holding rain in the soil - but if a canopy denies life to all that is beneath - then it calls the fungus, parasite or forest fire as a way of yielding to a greater wholeness.

The arrogance is not really hidden. Our thinking is to lord it over and abuse or exploit for private or personal agenda and when the consequence of that cannot be ignored, operate the same mindset as if to manage the conflict sickness or war. the mindset is the 'sickness' from which hateful consequence comes back as valid feedback (symptoms) that are then marketised and weaponised to the sustainability of the 'mindset'.

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Political power is with the Corporate and higher financial sectors and they don't care who screams or how loudly while they can contain and direct the narrative. Vast resources persistently push big lies regardless of truth or consequence. A post truth politic/society is whatever a 'top down' astroturfing decides to push. By the time the errors are admitted, new and similar or worse deceits will be sown.
What we give unto systemic corporate tyranny (even running a 'soft' PR or mind capture) we take from the Living.
Give unto a blind systemic order what is due unto it - and give unto the Living its due. Your heart's allegiance can be tricked by a mind in its own confusion. And a mind in polarised identity conflict can be effectively denied its true power and freedom. That's how it 'works'.

If the mainstream channels persist in lies whether for pieces of silver or the save themselves under fear of threat - give them no allegiance. It is extremely difficult to persist in hateful and destructive acts when its narrative justifications are no longer supported. In fact I would call it unsustainable - and this btw includes hating attacking and deriding them. Don't FEED the 'troll' of a negatively self-reinforcing habit or identity - in self or other. And in self as in other. Making 'enemies' so as to have a target for the hateful to express is not just bogeymen - but also Natural fats - initially perhaps to destroy the rival to the new BigAg mineral (marge) and seed oils.

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