In reply to the above and its page comments:The physics of resonance accounts for everything.
Making an 'intelligence' that is a stranger to itself - by the establishing of rules and filters of accepted identity (meaning), is a way of seeming to create by denial and limitation.
The seeming to be a separate thinker, doer and power unto itself, is a 'meaning or identity' given allegiance and desire as the original differentiating intent.
The resulting reflection of such dissonance is a basis for the meanings of pain, loss, conflict and war to operate in place of communication as a part-whole relationship.
Now you have a Humpty Dumpty world and all the king's principalities seek 'intelligent life' in the terms of our own disease?
Insofar as communications reach to the consciousness of such an ignorance-by-design, they will tend to embody the unowned or projected fears or guilts - along with magical displacement fantasies of the overcoming of such fears.
The dreamer interprets all things and fits or tries to fit to the dream - until a formless abidance and recognition is held instead of the intent to marketise or weaponize new life information on behalf of a war whose nature is to rule out feared sanity and rule over a virtual or narrative control - that 'lives' only by the life that is given it, perhaps under a sense of coercion and deceit running as the 'necessary'.
The prison is in the conditioned learnings and beliefs that frame or define self response or reaction.
There is always an embracing perspective to open to.
The 'thinking' that operates filters and rules against change associated with feared past is locked in its past - whether with the aid of reptilian overlords or some other symbolic representation of fear symbols.
The notion of consciousness as a focus or instrument through which life happens (knows Itself), is a release from the clench in the physical sense of contraction, defence and isolation. In releasing the conditions of self-exclusion, life - as the communication of the whole in all its parts restores an integrative self-sense.
You carry everyone and everything within you. As does everyone. All of it may find its natural place and timing as a result of ceasing to force or reject from a sense of separated fear of pain and loss - that runs the protection racket of a negative economy in a world demanding sacrifice of joy. There really is no way to replicate 'intelligence' - so much as to release our filters and re-learn to recognize it everywhere. But all the king's horses and all the king's men are the militant vigilance FOR lack and threat in everything. The re-enactment of the Fall is the secret source of 'power' - not the true open re-cognition - but the corrupted and corrupting self-specialness.
Fear makes aliens of others, our world and our own self once reacting to such 'others' as if true. Self-inflation in image is the attractor to an 'alien will' - regardless whether it 'really exists' or draws on the negative energy of your own denials to seem to exist in your own field of resonance.
An oppositional 'will' is really the framework of beliefs and definitions by which the true movement of love's own is distorted, filtered and seemingly reversed. The evil is the backwards movement to live. Fighting 'evil' is protecting it from disclosure because we think to reveal evil IS disclosure and reality is established by which to rule it out with rules that map it in.The wish to see evil in the other is the deflection or diversion from self. But the truth is not a war over 'who pays' so much as virtue going forth as a spontaneous embrace that reflects miraculously.
There are two versions of death; one is the fear of the loss of self, face, power, validity, control or covering against exposure. To this fear, death is made a saviour from facing, owning, knowing and being truly known. The other version is the death of self illusion and deceit for nothing real is threatened. This abides and grows through the loss of self, face, power, validity, control or covering against exposure by bring fear conscious rather than hiding, denying and protecting it. For nothing unreal, truly exists.
The 'extinction event' is the end of the world as we (think we) know it. Freedom is not fear's dictate - but fear can generate illusions of freedom under which the unwary choose slavery. Orwell only pointed to the reflections of inner template definitions. It is said that people do not want freedom, are terrified of it and paralysed by it - and so demand rules and rulers by which to be free from the responsibility of existence in the forms of it at cost of limitation under powerlessness. But 'people' is a broad brush term that can and does mean our own self-generalisations - as if to 'see' the unworthiness in others offsets our own. When virtue goes forth, it goes to the worthy from the worthy.
It takes one to know one - and by the light of another's mind, our own awakens in resonance.
How does virtue go forth, but as the natural communication of joy in being - that is not the 'forms' of its pigeonholing into a compartmented mind and world. It is now - through the focus that knows its nowness as the noticing, joining with and aligning in of what is here to notice, appreciate and live the gratitude of.
Withholding our gift - as if a fantasy condition must be met first, is self-deprivation.
Of course no one can reach You when you run a placeholder mask on auto while AWOL in a dreamland tuned to fear. But in the willingness to revisit and re-vision the driving fears that now you are noticing rather than embodying unmindfully, the drama shifts to serve the purpose of revealing what it was made to hide.
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