George Monbiot: how do we get out of this mess?
How do we get out of this mess?
The short answer is ... by recognizing you are not IN it (as currently defined).
How did you get in to this mess? Did it just 'happen'? Was Humpty pushed or did he fall?
Or was Humpty the first falsely flagged attack?
All the king's motivations and all the king's mental ingenuity can never put Humpty together again. False unity turns to babel.
An honest recognition of how you/we come to accept such definitions and live them out opens the choice for their undoing or release to more truly aligned definitions. But actively defended narrative identity operates the denial of this desire.
You can only find and be found in willingness - and grow willingness by living it. It cannot become a set of rules or 'willingism'. It takes one to know one. That no less true for wilful blindness.
Until you break - or are released from - the spell - there is no way out but deeper in as a result of trying to overcome or escape (or repackage and outsource) the mess.
Narrative identity, narrative continuity, narrative control are all manipulative or i-magi-native investment of desire and intention.
The difference between being, existence or 'what Is', and our story, our reality model or our self-image in relation to meanings accepted and be-lived or acted from as true - is forgotten or overlooked in the active and reactive engagement in such a focus of energy and attention. Indeed the persistence within such a narrative identity generates an autonomous habit pattern of conditioned reaction that conform to the idea of a programmed and re-programmable robot or automaton.
The intent and a-tempt to manipulate 'robotic' people (corporate technocracy as masked tyranny) whether for 'conspirational' agenda or naivete of the useful idiot to the power-seeking opportunism of any power cartel - further develops the cultural definitional structure of accepted idea as the unfolding narrative of self-justifications and mutual reinforcements within Change - as perceived through the distortions and filters of various identities that can be seen as a fragmentation of negative entanglement as a direct result of manipulative and coercive assertions and impositions.
Beneath - or prior to this 'world' of embodied idea in self-definitions is the movement of being - as the ever shifting focus within being. 'Behold I make all things new' is a reference to being which is an 'always' or timeless quality recognizing Itself being.
The 'word' we give out is the measure of the result or meaning we receive. But an unconsciousness of our active habitual definitions operates an ever depleting reactive loss of (true) consciousness to conflicted mis-formulations of reality or misidentifictions - reacted to and thus experienced as real.
In the narrative reactive world we generally mask such unconsciousness under the presumption we are 'conscious' when we are only allowing into conscious awareness what we 'already know' or assign and accept 'real'.
All the attributes of 'higher mind' that confuses or loses itself within the reactive i-magination of physical experience - because it Matters That Much to us - are qualities of being - such as inspiration, joy, intuitive recognition, gratitude. These are the true Life that can and do find rich reflection in shared experience that has a quality of intimacy or true communioning communication, and relationship in shared purpose. But are so easily overlooked within the phishing trigger of an identity theft of perceived and believed conflict that reactively and 'autonomously' runs counter or destructive to wholeness and abundance so as to create an abundance of lack.
Re-visiting and re-visioning conflict is not possible while persisting in the urge to win it or evade it. But sooner or later each comes to an exhaustion of the willingness and capacity to accept and enact such futility or meaninglessness as it becomes apparent to the awareness released of engagement.
This sketch points to what a manipulative thing-king cannot conceive or share in. If you want to use your relationships to get from - then you can only meet the reflection of your own judgements as your world. Giving only as you would in truth receive is a call to truly notice who you are in the presence of - along with who they are presenting - along with your own reactive thoughts and impulses.
What others choose is their unfolding of life experience and if you would align in joy as yourself you must give as you would receive. But if you align in self-judgement - self-worthlessness - how can you not 'share' this - regardless how well you mask over it?
Insofar as we have set ourselves a curriculum, we shall take it as our reintegration or healing to being. But the way and the manner and the timing in which we do so has a freedom of willingness within it. The difference between the art of dance and an exercise performed is the creative relationship that is your unique way of moving with the times and the timing.
Terror and rage are very dense as a result of denial. Those who think to 'wield' this think it gives power. Nothing could be further from true being. I don't engage in the political excepting as a desire to embody or awaken to true choice in place of fear-framed thinking of narrative 'control'. Life is already alive and is not waiting our permission to speak so much as our true word through which to extend Meaningfully - regardless that the seeds fall on many types of soil. The sharing of love (being with what is real here) identifies us perfectly. The moment we seek to grasp or define - we become subscribed to the mind of artifice. Learning, not blame - as the setting of choices that grow new 'habits' as a true conscious appreciation - this day now and now.
(Response to comments on the page)
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Theory becomes a model becomes an identity becomes a corporate cartel monopoly or military industrial complex.
The theory or model for life always breaks a unity into parts that then seem to conflict if taken out of context.
Do you assign Ayn Rand a sort of negative worth-ship? Do any thinkers get interpreted in their own terms or within the frame of the purpose others see in them? Where do you assign responsibility - in your own choices or as a victim to Ayn Rand?
I suspect that for every fake collective identity comes the iconocalast who calls it out for what it -isn't and yet only selected forms of such a challenge become subverted to use as the new fake collective identity.
Truth is not a winning hand so much as the vigilance not to be seduced into false narrative reaction (IE in the terms that the deceiver sets).
Regardless of 'collective' reinforcement - each stands in the fruits of choices they have made - knowingly or unknowingly. The many live vicariously through others who they idolize or demonize according to what they choose to accept and reject - for their own reasons - that only look like a 'collective uniformity of agreement'.
If it goes without saying then it does not need saying. There are many who 'side' with one or other polarity as you define them. And many more who don't give a damn - but live vicariously through diversions of celebrities, computer games or socially captive networking.
All the personae in your cast have an inherent place -in you - representing the broken relations they are cast from.
I appreciate the drama of your colourful prose but if you tell everyone what to feel and how to think - will it do more than sing to the choir?
I'll go next to some quotes of Rand to see if I can recognize the demented and pernicious vortex of destruction. I always thought she had the common failing of taking a partial truth and making a foundation of it to rail against the evils of her day.
Is it possible to debate the core issues of freedom and responsibility without polarising into mutually reinforcing polarities? (hates).
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You choose a branch and ignore the trunk - other branches and roots.
The great temptation in fighting a wrong is the blindness of believing you are right. Such is the nature of an identity theft - that in current terms you could also call a 'virus' - although I hold to pleomorphic biology - in which the environment is the determiner of the forms and functions of various biota - and part of the human environment is our self-definition relative to any event or communication.
As I see it, false thinking generates outcomes that reinforce and develop false thinking and that this has been going on for more time than we can remember - and yet does not become true as a result of reinforcement but rather more deeply believed and used as foundations upon which to think some more.
You should be aware that mind-capture uses the good cop/bad cop ruse to run you while you believe you are making free choices.
Who frames narrative history, holds 'insider' advantage.
Are not all 'isms' programming tools?
Western Civilisation - Ghandi remarked - would be a very good idea.
Is it not a history of conquest, enslavement and plunder? Through which there are also alloyed all sorts of threads of a true humanity - despite or because of.
But the idea of a virus or trojan attack by guile is apt for our times because the manipulation of 'identity' is so pervasive - with brother set against brother along every kind of threatened identifiction.
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Individualism as an expression of an indivisibility of being has been usurped by egotism of imaged presentation and manipulation. The masking in the 'collectivism of the greater good' is indeed 'ruling out' sovereign will - such that a robotic technocracy of rules, targets and checkboxes 'naturally' finds upgrades or replacement with transhuman biotech and AI.
Narrative control is a form of tyranny - however enacted - free will is another term that has been reversed or inverted. You are free to accept and live from what you accept - but you are not free of the consequences of your choosing. If you observe directly - solidarity rises in individuals freely sharing purpose - who move or act as one - on purpose and by choice. But the usurping of such a movement as an identity set against others or threat - is not true solidarity - but a form of mind-capture. The socialism that the 'established power' intends to operate rules out true solidarity. That's the thing you have to sacrifice to 'win' or be allowed to play. Your love of humanity - embodied in any movement of solidarity - is THE Enemy to any system of control and yet must be kept alive amidst a falsely framed matrix of beliefs and identities so as to be fed upon. Those who 'live' but know not Life can only think in the terms of their captive state. Life is still their true Inheritance - but their minds rule out such recognition or acceptance as a result of a protection racket for self-specialness (at expense of other). In true solidarity we shine our joy in being and recognize uniqueness as the true individual signature of another. There are no words for what is not divided or conflicted but Jesus' restatement of the two Commandments has the vertical intimacy within Being and the horizontal synchronicity of its extension and reflection. These are not a 'to do' or a should do' but a statement of Fact that can be argued with only by dissociating from Being and withholding and withdrawing from your relations so as to GET your sense of validation in being 'right'.
David Bohm recognized that Science is not just the gathering of data but also the interpreted meaning of such data - and he say that fragmentation and incoherence operates the breakdown or destruction of Meaning that cannot be 'put back together again' but must be lived or embodied as the willingness to embody Coherence of being and become an agent for change that occurs as a quantum shift to synchronicity of being from the morass of such entanglement of cause and effect in reversal and confusion as to be unable to approach with thought - without further entanglement of further confusion and misidentified reaction.
From the thinking of the world, a fresh start must be after the destruction of the old. But in truth you begin exactly where you are - as you are - and yet as the willingness for true being (under any or no name). And when you notice you have been 'asleep' in reactions of habit - begin exactly here.
The story of re-awakening Humanity is a transfer of ability from the story of conquest, enslavement and plunder. It does not have an 'enemy' to unify against so much as the challenge to stay awake and on purpose amidst such temptation.
But the story of awakening yields to the very thing it seeks - where the urge to 'lord it over' or get fantasy gratification upon others - is a tyrannous usurpation of the feeling knowing Will. (That then ascribes its intent to the Will and demonizes denies and feeds upon YOUR feeling knowing being - through which you truly live - but which 'this world' is blind, cruel and predatory towards.
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We haven't actually left
yet. The Brexit issue has associated a nationalism of little substance
and much complaint with those who do not choose a Corporately run EU -
or Corporately run Globalism. I say Corporate when I could say Fascist -
because the face or fronting of corporate cartel power is part of the
theatre of the public narrative.
In terms of the intergenerational and transnational drive and commitment for global government, I hardly believe that the 'global agenda' have been 'caught out' or held in check by 'populism' - rather - they created it as the symbol of 'anti-globalism, and can and will likely associate it with negative and fearful outcomes so as to bring globalism as the saviour.
One doesn't have to control people - except in very key points where extra incentives operate the appropriate actions or neglect.
Global governance in honest and open support of the Living (Life on Earth) is a desirable function but the way of this is EVERYTHING - because the usurping or capture of the regulatory systems, and the selling out of people and environment to a 'profit' and plunder elitism that lays waste, in-debts and toxifies is NOT governance but tyranny and predation of a 'power class' upon a falsely represented population.
The issue I see is not EU or not EU but mind-capture. This can be pointed to in various ways - but the nature of a captive mind is to love and serve its captor. Steal a kingdom - they call you king - steal the mind and they can call anything whatever you set them up to call it. The nature of deceit is usurping the true.
I see that it is never too late to uncover and live from a true foundation instead of a masking mind to which the true must be sacrificed to survive. 'Too big to fail' means too entangled in the foundations to be allowed true exposure.
Such free awareness as remains is the opportunity to choose again. I may risk saying that the nature of your choice has consequence beyond your current mind-frame. The 'world' doesn't need 'saving' so much as the mind needs freeing.
Governance or arriving at outcomes that affect all involved, needs to be founded in communication - and communication is becoming captive to the dark arts that use the forms of communication and relationship to deceive.
So that's my call - be vigilant and discerning that the forms of things are not in fact phishing attacks by which to install a false identity and make 'politics' for its capture and use as a bot-net.
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Thats because you are trapped in market thinking. It doesn't occur to you that something can take because a) It isn't lies and b) it opens and aligns true joy in life.
Whenever any genuine movement arises, it becomes subverted or aborted by the marketising and weaponising of the dominant story - which is power struggle set upon an inheritance of fear and guilt conditionings that make no other story seem possible (real or practical). And so anyone living from a different foundation is perceived through the lens of invalidating judgements. However - you either live the life that is given you to live - or let the suggestions and ideas of others use you to support the life they want you to sacrifice or conform to.
Adam Curtis - the power of nightmares BBC - free online to watch - sketches a little of the breakdown of the self-inflating utopian story to the fear-driven scripts that shift 'enemies' and 'threats' but operate the same manipulative feed for the lost and fearful to suckle on.
I feel that the breakdown of the story (mind) or narrative identity is the perfect soil in which the thirst for truth awakens - at least in those who love life more than they hate humiliation and defeat.
Is the 'control' of the narrative and its associated 'deep state' or 'shadow government' not in direct relation to the rising chaos? They are one and the same thing. Each begets and supports the other. Might there be another way of looking at this? Yes.
Might there be a process over time of willingness to release coercive control to a genuine communication and relationship? And might those unwilling to 'lose' control - that the darkness of non transparency and non accountability supported - bring every kind of trick or treat to derail any such process.
The Second Coming is not Jesus coming back but a Like Spirit rising to the Call, The Call is not in a set of idealistic beliefs but from the part of yourself you locked in your brother and sought to deny. The denied have no voice but your recognition of yourself in them - which then returns you to a state of genuine communication - within being - that manifests in ways we do not currently have a model to understand - or at least - not one that would be seen as real, practical (weaponisable or marketisable).
In terms of the intergenerational and transnational drive and commitment for global government, I hardly believe that the 'global agenda' have been 'caught out' or held in check by 'populism' - rather - they created it as the symbol of 'anti-globalism, and can and will likely associate it with negative and fearful outcomes so as to bring globalism as the saviour.
One doesn't have to control people - except in very key points where extra incentives operate the appropriate actions or neglect.
Global governance in honest and open support of the Living (Life on Earth) is a desirable function but the way of this is EVERYTHING - because the usurping or capture of the regulatory systems, and the selling out of people and environment to a 'profit' and plunder elitism that lays waste, in-debts and toxifies is NOT governance but tyranny and predation of a 'power class' upon a falsely represented population.
The issue I see is not EU or not EU but mind-capture. This can be pointed to in various ways - but the nature of a captive mind is to love and serve its captor. Steal a kingdom - they call you king - steal the mind and they can call anything whatever you set them up to call it. The nature of deceit is usurping the true.
I see that it is never too late to uncover and live from a true foundation instead of a masking mind to which the true must be sacrificed to survive. 'Too big to fail' means too entangled in the foundations to be allowed true exposure.
Such free awareness as remains is the opportunity to choose again. I may risk saying that the nature of your choice has consequence beyond your current mind-frame. The 'world' doesn't need 'saving' so much as the mind needs freeing.
Governance or arriving at outcomes that affect all involved, needs to be founded in communication - and communication is becoming captive to the dark arts that use the forms of communication and relationship to deceive.
So that's my call - be vigilant and discerning that the forms of things are not in fact phishing attacks by which to install a false identity and make 'politics' for its capture and use as a bot-net.
in reply to
Thats because you are trapped in market thinking. It doesn't occur to you that something can take because a) It isn't lies and b) it opens and aligns true joy in life.
Whenever any genuine movement arises, it becomes subverted or aborted by the marketising and weaponising of the dominant story - which is power struggle set upon an inheritance of fear and guilt conditionings that make no other story seem possible (real or practical). And so anyone living from a different foundation is perceived through the lens of invalidating judgements. However - you either live the life that is given you to live - or let the suggestions and ideas of others use you to support the life they want you to sacrifice or conform to.
Adam Curtis - the power of nightmares BBC - free online to watch - sketches a little of the breakdown of the self-inflating utopian story to the fear-driven scripts that shift 'enemies' and 'threats' but operate the same manipulative feed for the lost and fearful to suckle on.
I feel that the breakdown of the story (mind) or narrative identity is the perfect soil in which the thirst for truth awakens - at least in those who love life more than they hate humiliation and defeat.
Is the 'control' of the narrative and its associated 'deep state' or 'shadow government' not in direct relation to the rising chaos? They are one and the same thing. Each begets and supports the other. Might there be another way of looking at this? Yes.
Might there be a process over time of willingness to release coercive control to a genuine communication and relationship? And might those unwilling to 'lose' control - that the darkness of non transparency and non accountability supported - bring every kind of trick or treat to derail any such process.
The Second Coming is not Jesus coming back but a Like Spirit rising to the Call, The Call is not in a set of idealistic beliefs but from the part of yourself you locked in your brother and sought to deny. The denied have no voice but your recognition of yourself in them - which then returns you to a state of genuine communication - within being - that manifests in ways we do not currently have a model to understand - or at least - not one that would be seen as real, practical (weaponisable or marketisable).
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